Определить залог сказуемого. 1)They can be seen in our library every day. 2)He left or — Школьные

Определить залог сказуемого.
1)They can be seen in our library every day.
2)He left or - Школьные Залог недвижимости

Xii. определите время и залог сказуемого, переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. they — школьные

1. They said the book had been published by the end of the month.

2. I did it all by myself.

3. Have you heard the latest news?

4. They are waiting for us.

5. Dinner is ready. Come to table.

6. Dinner is being cooked. Wait a little.

XIII. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях — согласование времен.

1. Не knew he was being followed.

2. He said he read newspapers every day.

3. I was sure he had passed the exams successfully

IV. Определите, является ли ‘s показателем притяжательного падежа существительных или глаголом is. Переведите предложения.

1. Peter’s a teacher.

2. Peter’s school is in the town centre.

3. There’s a new library near the school.

VII. Напишите данные цифры и дату словами.

1, 13, 1/4, 376, 23 января 1070 г.

VIII. Определите, какие из данных слов являются существительными, прилагательными, наречиями:

near, lively, strongly, personality, little, now, well, peace, peaceful, interesting.

IX. Выберите правильную степень сравнения. Переведите предложения.

1. I didn’t want to wake anybody, so I came in as ___ as I could.

a) quietly b) more quietly c) (the) most quietly

2. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks___today.

a) happy b) happier c) the happiest

3. What’s___river in the world?

a) long b) longer c) the longest

Контрольная работа по «английскому языку»


Задание 1…………………………………………………………..………………3

Задание 2…………………………………………………………………………..4

Задание 3…………………………………………………………………………..4

Задание 4. 5

Задание 5. 5

Задание 6. 6

Задание 7. 7

Задание 8. 7

Задание 9. 8

Список использованной
литературы 10

Задание 1.Спишите,
подчеркните сказуемое. Определите
видовременную форму и залог 
глагола. Переведите предложения на
русский язык:

  1. He left for Moscow.
  2. Dogs bark but
    do not always bite.
  3. New subjects
    will be studied next term.
  4. I shall make
    coffee for you.
  5. The text is being
    translated at the moment.
  6. We have agreed
    to purchase their machinery.
  7. We profited by
    this transaction.
  8. We shall inform
  9. We are taking the final exams.


  1. He left for Moscow.- Он уехал в Москву .(Active voice, Past Simple)
  2. Dogs bark but do not
    always bite.
    — Собаки лают, но не всегда кусаются.(Active voice, Present Simpl
  3. New subjects will be studied next term.- Новые предметы будут изучаться в следующем семестре. (Pasive Voice Future Simple )
  4. I shall make coffee for you.- Я сделаю кофе для вас. (Active voice, Future Simple )
  5. The text is being translated at the moment.- Текст в данный момент переводится. (Pasive voice, Present Continuous )
  6. We have agreed to purchase their machinery.- Мы договорились о том, чтобы купить их машины. (Active
    voice, Present Perfect)
  7. We profited by this transaction.- Мы получили прибыль за счет этой сделки. (Active voice, Past Simple)
  8. We shall inform you.- Мы будем информировать вас.( Active
    voice, Future Simple )
  9. We are taking the final exams.- Мы сдаем выпускные экзамены.( Active voice, Present
    Continuous )

Задание 2.Поставьте глаголы, стоящие
в скобках, в зависимости от смысла, в  
Past Simple или Present Perfect.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Запишите полученные предложения, переведите
на русский язык.

1. I (not, to see) this
film yet, but I (to hear) a lot about it.

2. He isn’t here, he
just (to go) out.

3. Last winter I (to
spend) a lot of time in the library.

4. (to arrive) the steamer?
— No, it hasn’t. 

5. I (to meet) him yesterday.


1. I have not seen this
film yet, but I have heared a lot about it. –Я еще не видел этого фильма, но я много
слышал о нем.

2. He isn’t here, he
has just gone out.( Его здесь нет, он только что

3. Last winter I spent
a lot of time in the library. Прошлой зимой я проводил
много времени в библиотеке.

4. Has the train arrived?
– No, it hasn’t. (Прибыл поезд? -нет)

5. I  met him yesterday.
(Я встретил его вчера)

Задание 3. Поставьте предложения в Simple
Past и Future Simple, используя соответствующие
наречия времени. Переведите на русский

1. I help my wife about
the house.

2. They do their shopping
every day.

3. She travels to work
every day by train.

4. He starts his work
at  8.15.

5. I always have a lot
of work to do.


1. I helped my wife  about the house yesterday.
(Я помогал моей жене по дому вчера.)

 I will help my wife about the house tomorrow.(
Я помогу моей жене по дому завтра.)

Еще про залог:  Купить конфискованный трактор и продать имущество

2. They did their shopping yesterday. (Они сделали
свои покупки вчера.)

They will do their shopping tomorrow.( Они будут
делать покупки завтра.)

3. She got  to work on the train yesterday (Она
вчера добиралась до работы на поезде.)

 She will get  to work on the train tomorrow.(
она завтра будет добираться до работы
на поезде.)

4. He started  his work yesterday at 8:15 a.m.
(Он начал свою работу вчера в 8:15 утра)

He will start his work tomorrow at 8:15 a.m.(Он
начнет свою работу завтра в 8:15 утра)

5. I had to do a lot of work last week.. ( У меня
на прошлой недели было много работы)

I will have to do a lot of work tomorrow  . (
У меня  завтра будет много работы)

Задание 4. Прочитайте текст. Задайте
к  предложениям вопросы, используя
вопросительные слова, данные в скобках.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Gotlif Daimler and Charles
Benz were two inventors. They lived in Germany (where?). They were both
interested in car production (what?). At the end of the I9-th century
each of them designed a car (when?). At the same time they organized
two independent firms to produce them (what?). All the cars produced
by the firm of Daimler were called «Mercedes»(what?). Mercedes
was a daughter’s name of one of the stockholders of the firm who saved
the firm of Daimler (what?) from the financial crisis. But after the
World War I the firm of Daimler had to join the firm of Benz (when?)
And so the cars, which were produced by the firm «Daimler – Benz»,
were called “Mercedes- Benz”.


1.Where are lived Gotlif
Daimler and Charles Benz?

2.What are they were
both interested??

3.When each of them
designed a car?

4. What are they organized
at the same time?

5. What is called «Mercedes»?

6. Who retained the
firm of Daimler from the financial crisis?

7. When Daimler company
had to enter into firm Benz?

Задание 5.  Раскройте скобки и поставьте
глаголы в форму   Simple Present или  
Present Continuous.

1.  This car (to
make) a very strange noise. You (to think) it is all right? Oh, that
noise (not to matter). It always (to make) a noise like that.

2. I (to wish) the prices
on the stock exchange went up.  They (to keep) falling off. 
I (to think) many brokers (to want) to go on a holiday.

3.You (to recognize)
that man?  I (to think) I have seen him before but I (not to remember)
his name.

4.Look at that crowd!
I (to wonder) what they (to wait) for.

5.This message has just
arrived and the man (to wait) in case you (to want) to send a  


1. This car is making
a very strange noise. Do you think it is all right? – Oh, that noise
doesn’t to matter. It always makes a noise like that.

2. I wish the prices
on the stock exchange went up.  They are keeping falling off. 
I think many brokers want to go on a holiday.

3. You are recognizing
that man? I am thinking I have seen him before but I don’t remember
his name.

4. Look at that crowd!
I wonder what they are waiting for?

5. This message has
just arrived and the man is waiting in case you are wanting to send
a   reply.

Задание 6. Спишите, подчеркните причастие
I. Определите его функцию в предложении,
переведите на русский язык все предложение.

1. Knowing the English
language well, he was able to translate newspaper articles without a

2. While discharging
the ship we found a few broken cases.

3. When drawing up a
contract for the sale of goods it is necessary to give a detailed description
of the goods.

4. The customs officer
stood on deck counting the cases.

5. Receiving the telegram,
he rang up the director.


1. Knowing the English language well, he was able to translate newspaper articles
without a dictionary.- Зная английский язык хорошо, он был в
состоянии перевести газетные статьи
без словаря.(Функция обстоятельства).

2. While discharging the ship we found a few broken cases. Разгружая
судно, мы обнаружили несколько сломанных
ящиков.(Функция обстоятельства)

3. When drawing up a contract for the sale of goods it is necessary
to give a detailed description of the goods .-Составляя контракт
для продажи товаров, необходимо дать
детальное описание товаров.(Функция обстоятельства)

4. The
customs officer stood on deck counting the cases.-Таможенник
стоял на палубе считая ящики.(Функция

5. Receiving the telegram, he rang
up the director. Получив телеграмму, он позвонил директору.(Функция

Задание 7. В данных предложениях употребите
some или any.

1. I will have 
…  news next week.

2. Philip wants 
…  help with his exams.

3. Would you have 
…  help?

4. There isn’t 
…  reason to complain.

5. Are there  … 
problems with your work?


1. I will have  some news next week.

2. Philip wants some  help with his exams.

3. Would you have  any

4. There isn’t  any
reason to complain.

5. Are there  any
problems with your work?

Еще про залог:  Пассивный залог в английском языке: в таблице с примерами

Задание 8. Спишите,
подчеркните причастие II, определите его
функцию и переведите предложения на русский

  1. This firm is
    interested in the purchase of automobiles produced by our plants.
  2. They sent us
    a list of goods advertised by that firm.
  3. Dried and sorted
    the goods were placed in a warehouse.
  4. They showed us a list of the goods sold at the auction.


1. This firm is interested in the purchase of automobiles produced by our plants.

Эта фирма интересуется покупкой автомобилей,
выпускаемых нашими заводами.(Функция

2. They
sent us a list of goods advertised by that firm.

Они прислали
нам список товаров рекламируемых 
этой фирмой. (Функция определения).

3. Dried and sorted the goods were placed in
a warehouse.

Сушеные и отсортированные товары
были помещены на склад.(Функция определения).

4. They showed us a
list of the goods sold at the auction.

Они показали нам список товаров, проданных 
на аукционе.(Функция определения)

Задание 9. Прочитайте текст и выполните
задания к нему.


Companies that
want greater control over their product have to manufacture it at home
and then export it to the foreign countries in this case exporter must
examine the market.

Some firms can
sell their products to an export/import merchant who takes all the selling
risks.  In other cases the company mау use an export/import agent
who sells the product to wholesalers or retailers in the foreign country. 
Sometimes the exporter may set up its own sales offices and branches
abroad.  This is more expensive and only large firms can afford

Задания к тексту

1. Выпишите
из текста  предложения, в которых встречаются
прилагательные в сравнительной степени.
Переведите эти предложения на русский

2. Выпишите
из текста  предложения,  в которых
встречаются модальные глаголы либо их
эквиваленты. Переведите эти  предложения
на  русский язык.

3.Ответьте на

— Where does the company
have to manufacture its product if it wants to have greater control
over it?

— What must exporters
do before they decide to ship goods to the foreign market?

-Who can companies sell
their products to?

 -Whom can a company
use in other cases?

-Who does an export/import
agent sell products to?

— What can the exporter
set up in a foreign country if he wants to work on his own?

-Why can only large
firms set up branches in a foreign country?


1.) Companies that want greater control over their product have
to manufacture it at home and then export it to the foreign countries
in this case exporter must examine the market. (Компании, которые хотят большего контроля над
своей продукцией должны производить
ее у себя дома, а затем экспортировать
в страны дальнего зарубежья при этом
экспортер должен изучить рынок.)

This is more
expensive and only large firms can afford it.( Это дороже и только крупные фирмы могут
себе это позволить.)

2) Companies that want
greater control over their product have to manufacture it at home and then
export it to the foreign countries in this case exporter must examine the market.( Компании,
которые хотят большего контроля над своей
продукцией должны производить ее у себя
дома, а затем экспортировать в страны
дальнего зарубежья при этом экспортер
должен изучить рынок)

Some firms can sell their products to an export/import
merchant who takes all the selling risks.(Некоторые
фирмы могут продавать свою продукцию
на экспорт / импорт купца, который берет
на себя все риски продажи.)

This is more expensive
and only large firms can afford it. (Это дороже
и только крупные фирмы могут себе это

3)Ответы на вопросы:

1. — Where does the
company have to manufacture its product if it wants to have greater
control over it? — Companies that want greater control over their product have to manufacture
it at home.

2. What must exporters
do before they decide to ship goods to the foreign market? — Exporter
must examine the market.

3. Who can companies
sell their products to?- Some firms can sell their products to an export/import merchant who
takes all the selling risks.

4.Whom can a company
use in other cases?- In other cases the company mау use an export/import agent .

6.Who does an export/import
agent sell products to?- export/import agent who sells the product to wholesalers or retailers
in the foreign country.

7.What can the exporter
set up in a foreign country if he wants to work on his own?- Sometimes
the exporter may set up its own sales offices and branches abroad.

8.Why can only large
firms set up branches in a foreign country?- This is more expensive
and only large firms can afford it.


1. Англо-русский 
русско-английский современный словарь 
граматика. — Моссква: ЗАО «БАО-ПРЕСС»,
2007. -992 с.

2. http://www. alleng.ru — (грамматика английского языка)

Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык: 1. — школьные


1. Distance is usually measured in millimetres, centimetres, metres or kilometres.

Расстояние обычно измеряется в миллиметрах, сантиметрах, метрах или километрах.

is usually measured-Past simple,active

2. Mass is measured in grams

Еще про залог:  Преобразуйте предложения из пассивного залога в активный, добавив лицо либо предмет, совершающего действие, где это необходимо.1

or kilograms and time is measured in seconds, minutes and hours.

Масса измеряется в граммах

или килограммах, а время-в секундах, минутах

и часах.

is measured-Past simple,active

3. The photoelectric effect was discovered by

Heinrich Hertz in 1887.

Фотоэлектрический эффект был обнаружен

Генрих Герц в 1887 году.

was discovered-Past simple,passive

4. Galileo lived at a time when the

human spirit was waking after a thousand years of sleep.

Галилей жил в то время, когда

человеческий дух пробуждался после тысячелетнего сна.

was waking-Past continuous ,passive

5. Men were filled with a new life, and they made splendid

progress in the arts and science.

Люди были наполнены новой жизнью, и они достигли великолепного

прогресса в искусстве и науке.

were filled-past simple,passive

6. The element in the air which is most important to us is oxygen.

Наиболее важным для нас элементом воздуха является кислород.

present simple,active

Определите время и залог сказуемого,переведите: 1)they are being given detailed instructions — школьные


С залогом не помогу а вот со временем 1 Present simple 2 future simple 3 Present perfect4 past simle

Определите залог и время сказуемого. укажите их в скобках в конце каждого…

1.This book will be soon republished. (Future Simple, Passive)
2.We’ll meet them at the station if they come in time. (Future Simple, Present Simple, Active)
3.I was interrupted by John. (Past Simple, Passive)
4.When you rang me up I was having dinner. (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Active)
5.Don’t tell my husband I’m being painted. (Present Continuous, Passive)
6.Why did you have to fly to Moscow? (Past Simple, Active)
7.Mr.Wilson hasn’t bought a new flat yet. (Present Perfect, Active)

Определить залог сказуемого. 1)they can be seen in our library every day. 2)he left or…

Определить залог сказуемого.

1)They can be seen in our library every day.

2)He left or Moscow.

3)The film was much spoken about.

4)These houses were built last year.

5)Do you work at this office?

6)His work has been already finished.

7)When I him, he was going home.

8)The child was often left home alone.

9)We shall ask you about the children.

10)Is he working now?

Определить залог сказуемого. 1)they can be seen in our library every day. 2)he left or — школьные

The Future Indefinite Tense
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs: work, remember, borrow, take, talk, take, know, have,

become, come. Be careful with negatives.
1. If Tom’s parents gives him a lift tomorrow. It ______ him half an hour to get to school. 2. My friend _____ a doctor in two years.
3. She ______ in the library when she graduates from the Institute.
4. The grandfather _____ his umbrella if it isn’t raining.
5. Tom and Ann ______ a long
conversation. They haven’t seen each other for a long time.
6. I wonder what they _______
about tomorrow.
7. He _____ any money from his friend next week. He got his salary yesterday.
8. They ______ the results of the exam in a week.
9. I ______ this day all my life.
10. ________ (you) again next year?

The Past Indefinite Tense
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verb: get, cross, leave, visit, look, come, learn, go, play, b

e, enter, phone, rain, switch on.
1. The patient was operated on yesterday and the nurse _______ after him.
2. Ann _______ the piano last year.
3. Last night when it ______ dark, they ______ the light.
4. I ______ to drive a car some years ago.
towards the city park. his parents.
5. Mr. White ______ the street and _______ towards the city park.
6. When the child _____ home, he _____ his parents.
7. When _____ (your daughter) the Institute?
8. The grandparents _____ very happy when their grandchildr them. They hadn’t seen him for 2 months.
9. It often ______ last autumn.
10. Unfortunately they missed the train because it _____ at 9.

Переведите предложения. определите время и залог сказуемого. 1. she studied many subjects. 2. — школьные

1. Она изучала много предметов. (Past Simple, активный залог)

2. Эта новость будет представлять огромный интерес. (Future Continuous, пассивный залог)

3. Они разговаривали с ним. (Past Continuous, активный залог)

4. О фильме много разговаривали. (Past Simple, активный залог)

5. Будет изучено много новых предметов в следующем году. (Future Continuous, пассивный залог)

6. Я работаю сейчас. (Present Continuous, активный залог)

7. Они сдадут экзамен к трём часам дня. (Future Perfect, активный залог)

8. Этот текст переводится сейчас. (Present Continuous, пассивный залог)

9. Он учится в нашем колледже. (Present Simple, активный залог)

10. Пицца уже доставлена. (Present Perfect, пассивный залог)

11. Мы будем писать тест в 10 часов. (Future Continuous, активный залог)

12. Он был похищен двумя бродягами. (Past Simple, пассивный залог)

13. Я уже сделал(а) мою домашнюю работу. (Present Perfect, активный залог)

14. Она имеет много друзей. (Present Simple, активный залог)

15. Нас спрашивают каждый урок. (Present Simple, пассивный залог)

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Залог недвижимости