Видовременные формы глагола ℹ️ определение, описание, соотношения и виды, основные различия, примеры образования и использования в английском языке, таблица

Видовременные формы глагола ℹ️ определение, описание, соотношения и виды, основные различия, примеры образования и использования в английском языке, таблица Залог недвижимости

Видовременные формы глагола действительного залога

Действительный залог показывает, что подлежащее предложения является производителем действия, которое выражено глаголом-сказуемым, что подлежащее действует: Kate reads English books every day; We saw a large house.

Видо-временные формы глагола настоящего времени (Present) действительного залога

Вид глагола Употребле­ние Ключевые
SIMPLE Регулярные действия в настоящем; обще­известные факты, истины; постоянные ситуации и состояния (с глаголами, которые не употребляются в Continuous); будущие действия в соответс­твии с расписанием usually, every (day), often, seldom, rare­ly, always, never, sometimes, as a rule, hardly ever, on Sundays I/We/You/They write Не/She/It writes/ Do I/we/you/they write? Does hе/she/it write?
CONTINUOUS Действия, происхо­дящие в настоящий момент; временные ситуации; посто­янные действия, вызывающие неудовольствие; запланированные и подготовленные действия в будущем now, right now, today, at present, at the moment, Look!, Listen! still I am writing
Не/She/It is writing
We/You/They are writing
PERFECT Действия, завершившие­ся к настоящему моменту и тесно с ним связанные; действия и состояния, продолжавшиеся в тече­ние некоторого времени до настоящего момента (с глаголами, которые не употребляются в Continu­ous) ever, never, just, already, yet, recently, lately, before, always, so far, at last, today, this (month, year) I/We/You/They have written
He/She/It has written
PERFECT CONTINUOUS Действия, которые продолжались в течение некоторого времени до насто­ящего момента и продолжаются сей­час или закончились непосредственно перед настоящим моментом How long?, for, for ages, since, all my life, all day long, all morning I/We/You/They have been writing
He/She/It has been writing

Видо-временные формы глагола прошедшего времени (Past) действительного залога

Вид глагола Употребле­ние Ключевые
SIMPLE Действия, которые произошли в указан­ный период времени в прошлом; регулярные действия, привычки, постоянные ситуации в прошлом yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week (year, etc), a week (a year) ago, the other day, in 1990, once, just now I/We/You/They/ Не/She/It wrote/
Did I/we/you/they/
hе/she/it write?
CONTINUOUS Действия, которые длились в указанный момент или промежу­ток времени в про­шлом; параллельно- проходящие процессы в прошлом
at 5 o’clock yesterday, from 5 till 6 yesterday, the whole evening (morning) yesterday, when mother came, while, still
I / Не/She/It was writing
We/You/They were writing
PERFECT Действия, которые завершились до указанного момен­та в прошлом или раньше другого действия в прошлом by 5 o’clock yesterday, when mother came home already/yet, before/by the time mother came home I/We/You/They/ He/She/It had written
PERFECT CONTINUOUS Действия, которые продолжались в течение некоторого времени до указан­ного момента в прошлом
How long?, for, for ages, since, all my life, all day long, all morning указа­ние на прошедшее время
I/We/You/They/ He/She/It had been writing

Видо-временные формы глагола будущего времени (Future) действительного залога

Вид глагола Употребле­ние Ключевые
SIMPLE Действия и события в буду­щем, не зависящие от наших планов; решения, принятые в момент разговора; пред­сказания, основанные на личном мнении; опасения, надежды, обещания, пред­ложения помощи (в вопро­сительных предложениях с глаголом-помощником shall). tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year, etc), in an hour, in the 22nd century, later, soon, some day, etc.
I/We/You/They/ Не/She/It will write Will I/we/you/they/ hе/she/it write?
CONTINUOUS Действия, которые будут длиться в за­данный момент или промежуток времени в будущем; дейст­вия, которые будут происходить в буду­щем при естествен­ном ходе событий . at 5 o’clock tomorrow, from 5 till 6 tomorrow, the whole evening (morning) tomorrow, when mother comes, while
I /Не/She/It/ We/You/They will be writing
Will I /Не/She/It/ We/You/They be writing?
PERFECT Действия, кото­рые завершатся до указанного момен­та в будущем или раньше другого действия в будущем) by 5 o’clock tomorrow, when mother comes home already/yet, before/ by the time mother comes home
I/We/You/They/He/She/It will have written
Will I/We/You/They/He/She/It have written?
PERFECT CONTINUOUS Действия, которые будут длится в течение некоторого вре­мени до указан­ного момент в будущем
How long?, for, for ages, since, all my life, all day long, all morning указание на будущее время
I/We/You/They/ He/She/It will have been writing

Список неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Past participle Перевод
bewas, werebeen быть
bearboreborn рождать
beatbeatbeaten бить
becomebecamebecome становиться
beginbeganbegun начинать(ся)
breakbrokebroken ломать
choosechosechosen выбирать
buildbuiltbuilt строить
buyboughtbought покупать
comecamecome приходить
dodiddone делать
drawdrewdrawn рисовать
drinkdrankdrunk пить
drivedrovedriven везти
eatateeaten кушать
fallfellfallen падать
findfoundfound находить
flyflewflown летать
forgetforgotforgotten забывать
forgiveforgaveforgiven прощать
givegavegiven давать
getgotgot получать
givegavegiven давать
gowentgone идти
growgrewgrown расти
havehadhad иметь
hearheardheard слышать
hidehidhidden прятать
hithithit ударять
keepkeptkept держать
knowknewknown знать
leaveleftleft оставлять
lielaylain лежать
loselostlost терять
makemademade делать
meetmetmet встречать
paypaidpaid платить
putputput класть
readreadread читать
runranrun бежать
saysaidsaid сказать
seesawseen видеть
seeksoughtsought искать
setsetset помещать
showshowedshown показывать
singsangsung петь
sitsatsat сидеть
sleepsleptslept спать
speakspokespoken говорить
spendspentspent тратить
standstoodstood стоять
swimswamswum плавать
taketooktaken брать
teachtaughttaught учить
throwthrewthrown бросать
wakewokewoken будить
wearworeworn носить
winwonwon выигрывать
writewrotewritten писать

Типы вопросов

Общий вопрос

Общие вопросы относятся ко всему предложению и требуют ответа да или нет. Они начинаются с первого вспомогательного глагола, и требуют обратного порядка слов: Does she speak English? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. Is he resting? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.  Can you swim? Yes, I can./ No, I can’`t.

Специальный вопрос

Специальный вопрос – это вопрос к одному из членов предложения. Специальный вопрос начинается свопросительного слова и произносится с понижением голо­са на последнем ударном слоге:What does she do? Who brought you this book? What did you see there?


Вопросы, которые относятся к подлежащему, начи­наются с вопросительных слов who? кто? или what? что?, играющих роль подлежащего, и требуют прямого поряд­ка слов:Who speaks English? What works well?

Альтернативный вопрос

Может ставиться к любому члену предложения и предполагает выбор между думя лицами, предметами, качествами и т.д.: Did you watch a western or a comedy last night? Do you like tea or coffee?

Разделительный вопрос

Задается с целью выражения удивления, сомнения, подтверждения высказанной мысли и соответствует русским оборотам «не правда ли?», «не так ли?», «ведь»… Разделительный вопрос состоит из двух частей: повествовательной части (с прямым порядком слов) и вопросительной, представляющей собой краткий вопрос. Во второй части употребляется вспомогательный или модальный глагол, входящий в состав сказуемого первой части.

He likes coffee, doesn’t he? – Он любит кофе, не правда ли?

You can swim, can’t you? – Вы ведь умеете плавать?

Если первая часть вопроса утвердительная, то глагол во второй части будет иметь отрицательную форму. И наоборот, если первая часть вопроса отрицательная, то глагол во второй части имеет утвердительную форму.

English is difficult, isn’t it? –English isn’t difficult, is it?

You are happy, aren’t you? –You are not happy, are you?

He never lies, does he? –He often lies, doesn’t he?

Правило согласования времён

Если в главном предложении глагол стоит в прошедшем времени, то в придаточ­ном предложении глагол должен стоять в одном из прошедших времен (Past или Future-in- the- Past).

Для выполнения правила согласования времен в косвенной речи необходимо осуществлять сдвиг времен по следующим правилам:

1.  Времена группы Present изменяются на соответствующие им времена группы Past.

2.  Времена группы Future изменяются на Future-inthe-Past (shall, will меняются на would).

3.  Past Simple меняется на Past Perfect.

4.  Past Continuous меняется на Past Perfect Continuous.

5.  Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous — не изменяются.

6.  Can ® could, may ® might, must ® had to, should/would не изменяются.

Изменения наречий времени и места при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную:

now ® then, at that moment today that day

tonight ® that night

yesterday ® the day before yesterday, the previous day

the day before yesterday ® two days before

tomorrow ® the next day, the following day

last week ® the week before, the previous week

next week ® the next week, the following week

two days ago ® two days before

in two days ®two days later

here ® there

this ® that

these ® those

He said, “I get up at eight o’clock.”He said that he got up at eight o’clock.
She said, “I am reading an interesting book.”She said that she was reading an interesting book.
He said, “I have spoken to the manager about the terms of delivery of the machine”.He said that he had spoken to the manager about the terms of delivery of the machine.
She said, “I was working at five o’clock.”She said that she had been working at five o’clock.
He asked, “How willhe find it out.”He asked how he would find it out.
He said, “Closethe door, please.”He asked me to close the door.
He said, “Don’t bang the door.”He told me not to bang the door.
He said, “I will write the letter tomorrow.”He said that he would write the letter the next day.
She said, “I was here yesterday.”She said that she had been there the day before.
He said, “I can’t translate this article.”He said that he couldn’t translate that article.”
He asked me, “Where do they live?”He asked me where I lived.
I ask, “Who reads all these books?”I wonder who reads all these books.

Страдательный залог

Страдательный залог показывает, что подлежащее предложение является объектом действия, которое выражено глаголом-сказуемым, что подлежащее испытывает на себе то или иное действие: The book was read yesterday.

  SIMPLE Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present Letters are written every day. The letter is being written now. The letter has already been written.

Вместо отсутствующих форм Perfect Continuousупотребляются формы Perfect


Глагол Значение Present Past Future


Реальная возможность совершения действия;
I can/can’t swim. I could/ couldn’t come yesterday. I will/won’t be able to do it
неформаль­ное разре­шение Can/Could I use your pencil? My parents said I could watch TV. Can/Could I go out




You can’t go out!

Could you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square, please?

It can’t be true.
Can he have/ said it?
be able to возможность совершения действия в определен­ной ситуа­ции I am (un)able to do it right now. We were/ weren’t able to buy the tickets for yesterday’s show. I will/won’t be able to do it tomorrow.


May I come in? – Yes, you may. He asked if he might come in.
предположение с невысокой степенью уверенности Не may/ might be having din­ner now. He may/might uothave come yet. He may/ might come later.


приказ, осознанная необходи­мость I must learn well.
You must go out.
I had to go to school yesterday. I will have toleard this rule.
запрещение You mustn’t smoke.
предположе­ние с очень высокой степенью уверенности He must be right. He must have misunderstood me. They most be leaving tomorrow.

have to

вынужденная необхо­димость Do you have to wear a uniform? He had to learn this poem. You will have to wait.
I don’t have to do this exercise. I didn’t have to get up early yesterday. I won’t have to meet him.
be to необходи­мость по графику, договорен­ности The train is to arrive in five minutes. He was to do it. The director was to sign the contract. They are to arrive tomorrow.

should/ ought to

настоятель­ный совет, рекоменда­ция (следу­ет) You should/ ought to listen care­fully.  
You shohld/ ought to visit the doctor.
упрек (сле­довало бы сделать, но не сделал)  

You should have read this text. Ann has studied
very hard, so she
should/ ought to
pass the exam.
предпо­ложение с высокой
You may call him. He should/ought to be at home now.  
need отсутствие необходи­мости You needn’t do this exer­cise. You needn’t have done this exercise. You needn’t come here tomorrow.

Условные предложения

Тип Характер Придаточное (условие) Главное (следствие)
Нулевой Общеизвестные истины Present Simple
If you heat ice,
Если вы нагреваете лед
Present Simple
It melts.
Он тает.
Первый Вероятные события в будущем Present Simple
If the weather is fine
Если погода будет хорошая
Future Simple
we will go there
мы поедем туда
Второй Маловероятные события в настоящем и будущем Past Simple
If the weather were fine
Если погода будет хорошая
Future in the Past Simple
we would go there
мы, может быть, поедем туда
Третий Несбыточные
события в прошлом
Past Perfect
If the weather had been fine
Если бы погода была хорошая
Future in the Past Perfect
we would have gone there
мы поехали бы туда

Конструкция I WISH….

  Verb tense Examples Значение

I wish /

 If only

Past Simple/ Past Cont. I wish I were a millionaire.
I wish it wasn’t raining.
Желание, относящееся к настоящему времени
Past Perfect I wish I had taken her advice.
I wish it had been warmer.
Желание, относящееся к прошлому; сожаление
subject would глагол I wish you would stop playing your music so loudly.
I wish the weather would change.
1) повелительное наклонение в вежливой форме
2) желание, чтобы ситуация или чьё-либо поведение изменилось


Инфинитив – соответствует неопределённой форме глагола в русском языке: I forgot to close the window. –Я забыл закрыть окно.

Глаголы и фразы, после которых употребляется только инфинитив: afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, be glad/pleased/able/ surprised etc, choose, decide, expect, fail, happen, help, hope, intend, learn, manage, offer, prepare, plan; pretend, promise, refuse, seem, want, wish, would like/prefer, used to. Например: He agreed to do it. We can`t afford to buy a car. We decided to move.

Сложное дополнение

Употребляется после глаголов

Сложное дополнение

1-й want, wish, would like, like, hate, desire, expect, know, believe, consider, get
Iwould like you to cometomorrow.
some­body to инфинитив
2-й let, make
The teacher made me rewrite the exercise.
some­body инфинитив
3-й see, hear, feel, notice, watch
I saw him speakingto Tom yesterday.
some­body инфинитив (завершенное действие)
Ving(длитель­ное действие)

После глаголов hear, see, notice, make, allow в пассивном залоге употребляется to инфинитив.


Герундий – неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами глагола и существительного и выражающая действие как процесс. Он является чем-то средним между глаголом и существительным: My brother is fond of    playing computer games. Playing computer games is always fun.

Active Passive
Simple writing being written
Perfect having written having been written

Глаголы и фразы, после которых употребляется только ге­рундий: admit, appreciate, avoid, be worth, burst out, .can’t help, can’t stand, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, fancy, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve, keep, mention, mind, miss, postpone (put off), practice, resist, ride, spend time, suggest, be/get used to, look forward to, object to, how/what about, it’s no good/use, there is no point in, what’s the point/use of..?


В английском языке существует 2 вида причастий: Participle I (Present Participle); и Participle II (Past Participle).

Participle I (Present Participle)

Participle II (Past Participle)

  Active Passive
Simple changing
1) изменяющий (ся)
(-вшийся) (ся)
2) изменяя (сь)
being changed
1) изменяющийся, изменяемый, который изменяется
2) будучи изменённым
1) изменяемый, изменённый
2) когда (его) изменили, так как (его) изменили
Perfect having changed
Having been changed
когда (его) изменили, после того как (его) изменили


Пространственные предлоги

местонахождение – где?
у предмета, у лица:
Не is at the window.
в здании, во времяпроцесса (действия):
Не is at the cinema. (в)
He is at the lecture. (на)
движение – куда?
no направлению к предмету, к лицу.
Go to the table, please, (к)
в здание, к месту действия:
Go to the institute. (в)
Go to the lecture. (на)
движение – откуда?
удаление от предмета, от лица:
I came back from my friend’s at 7 o’clock, (от)
уход из здания, с места действия:
I come home from the Institute at 4 o’clock. (из)
He came fromthe lectures late. (c)
местонахождение – где? внутри ограниченно­го пространства: I am in the room. (в)
движение – куда?
внутрь ограничен­ного пространства: Come into the room, please. (в)
out of
движение – отку­да? из ограниченного пространства: I take the book out of my bag. (из)
местонахождение – где? на поверхности: The pen is on the table, (на)

Предлоги времени

AT для обозначения времени суток: at 6 o’clock, at night, at midnight, at lunchtime, at sunset, etc.
в устойчивых словосочетаниях: at the weekend, at Christmas/Easter, at the moment, at present, at first/at last, at a time, at the same time, at all times (always), at the end of June, at his age
ON для обозначения дней и дат: on Sunday, on Sunday evening(s), on 9 November 1949, on Christmas Day/Eve, on my birthday, on the morning of the 6th
в устойчивых словосочетаниях:
on time (punctual, not late), on (=after) arrival,on getting to the airport
IN для обозначения более длинных периодов:(меся­цы/годы/времена года): in May, in 2000, in the 20th century, in the past, in (the) summer, in the 1990s, in (the) future, in the Middle Ages
в устойчивых словосочетаниях: in the morning/afternoon/evening, in a few minutes, in two months, in his forties, in time (for sth= soon enough), in no time (very quickly), in the end (finally)
FOR for a long time, for ages, for the weekend, for ever
SINCE since last year/spring, since 1998, since morning, since 3 o’clock
BY by 5 o’clock, by tomorrow, by 2003, by the end of July
TILL, FROM till 5 o’clock, till Monday, till the early morning, from 7 till 12 o’clock, from early morning till late at night, from time to time
this week/month/year, last Friday/last time/last night, next week/month/year, next Friday/next time, every day


Предлог Соответствующий русский предлог Пример Перевод
after no, послеafter the meeting после собрания
as как, в качествеto work as an engineer Работать в качестве инженера
at за, около, у, на, вat the table, at the wall, at the briefing, at 5 o’clock за столом, у стены, на брифинге, в 5 часов
because of из-заbecause of errors, because of her из-за ошибок,
из-за нее
because потому что (союз)because he wasn’t ready потому что он не был готов
but кромеall but you все, кроме вас
by у, около, к управляет творительным паде­жом (кем? чем?)by the fire, by Monday, by the group of users у огня, к понедельнику, группой пользователей
between междуspace between lines & paragraphs расстояние между строками и абзацами
from из, от, сto come from an office, to take from the box прийти из учреждения, взять из коробки
from … to from … till от …доfrom the beginning till/to the end с начала до конца
for для, ради, в течение (вводится деятель инфинитива) из-за, за, вследствие, поuseful for work, for a second, necessary for the user to do it, for some reason, for lack of energy, for more information полезно для работы, в течение секунды, необходимо, чтобы пользователь сделал это, по какой-то причине, из-за нехватки энергии, за дальнейшей информацией
in в (когда), черезin the lab, in March, in the morning, in an hour, in a week в лаборатории, в марте, утром, через час, через неделю
into в (внутрь)to put into a box положить в коробку
of управляет роди­тельным падежом (кого? чего?)memory of the computer память (чего?) ЭВМ
on/ upon на, в (когда?) после, по (часто сочетается с герундием), о, об, относительноon the table, on the 14th of April, on storing, upon deleting, a paper on archiver’s на столе, 14-го апреля, после записи, после стирания,
статья об архиваторах
out of из (изнутри)to take out of the box взять из кробки
since сsince January с января
to к,  до(to go) to the office, five minutes to six (идти) в учреждение, без пяти минут шесть
with с
(чем-л, что-л. делать?)
with him, with some colleagues, to cut with a knife, to write with a pen с ним, с коллегами, резать ножом, писать ручкой
within внутри, в пределах, в течение, не дольше, чемwithin a text, within a week в пределах текста, в течение недели
without безwithout any reason безо всякой причины


Суффиксы существительных

Example Suffix Translation
advantage-age Преимущество
importance-ance важность
interference-ence помеха
tendency-ency тенденция
assistant-ant помощник
advocate-ate адвокат
writer-er писатель
computer-er компьютер
inventor-or изобретатель
compatibility-ility совместимость
activity-ity деятельность
assignment-ment деятельность
hardness-ness твердость
television-sion телевизор
strength-th сила, прочность
revolution-tion оборот
multitude-tude множество
measure-ure мера
childhood-hood детство
friendship-ship дружба

Суффиксы глаголов

Example Suffix Translation
simplify-fy упрощать
realize-ize осуществлять
translate-ate переводить

Суффиксы прилагательных

Example Suffix Translation
central-al центральный
alible-ible питательный
comfortable-able удобный
important-ant важный
different-ent различный
necessary-ary необходимый
useful-ful полезный
homeless-less бездомный
musical-ical музыкальный
glorious-ion s славный
dangerous-ous опасный
forward-ward передовой
foggy-y туманный
Еще про залог:  Банк ищет помещение и арендует помещение для банка в Москве от собственника, сдать в аренду помещение банка без комиссии. Низкая цена

Суффиксы наречия

Example Suffix Translation
widely-ly широко
forwardswards впереди
clockwisewise по направлению часовой стрелки


Example Prefix Meaning Translation
abnormalab-удаление из, от ненормальный, аварийный
antibodyan ti-против антитело
autoloadauto-само-, авто- автозагрузка
binarybi-два двоичный
coroutineco-с, вместе, со- сопрограмма
counteractcounter-против противодействовать
contradictcontra-против противоречить
decomposede-обратное действие разлагать
disabledis-отрицание заблокировать, отключать
enableen-приведение в какое-л. состояние (прилагательное обращается в глагол) разблокировать, включать
externalex-внешний внешний
ex-presidentex-бывший экс-президент
extraordinaryextra-сверх, вне необыкновенный
illegalil-отрицание незаконный
impossibleim-не- невозможный
imbeddedim-внутрь вделанный
indirectin-в, внутрь, не- косвенный, непрямой
inclosein-в, внутрь включать
internationalinter-среди, между международный
irregularir-не неравномерный
misusemis-неправильно, плохо неправильно использовать
monochromemono-один монохромный
multiplemulti-много множественный
nonproceduralnon-не-, без- непроцедурный
overloadover-сверх-, пере- перегрузить
posteditingpost-после постредактирование
preconditionpre-до, перед предисловие
returnre-снова, пере- возвращаться
semicirclesemi-полу- полукруг
sub-directorysub-под-, ниже- подкаталог
supercomputersuper-сверх- супер-ЭВМ
transfertrans-через, пере- пересылка, передача
unsteadyun-не- неустойчивый
underpayunder-недо- недоплачивать

Грамматический практикум

Упражнения для самоконтроля

Упражнение 1

Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных:

1. Wife –

2. Stepmother –

3. Watch –

4. Workbook –

5. Dictionary –

6. Brush –

7. Woman –

8. Teapot –

9. Tomato –

10.Dress –

Упражнение 2

Поставьте следующие словосочетания в множественное число.

1. This magazine –

2. that stiker –

3. this stamp –

4. that sandwich –

5. this poster –

6. this teacup –

7. that wall –

8. that picture –

9. this foot –

10.that mountain –

11.this lady –

12.that window –

13.this man –

14.that match –

15.this knife –

Упражнение 3

Поставьте следующие предложения в притяжательный падеж.

1. The ball of the dog –

2. The skateboard of that man –

3. The songs of the children –

4. The umbrella of my grandmother –

5. The room of my friend –

6. The questions of my son –

7. The wife of my brother –

8. The table of our teacher –

9. The computer of my son is modern –           

10. The car of my parents –

Упражнение 4

Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1. These are …parents. (I)

2. I’ve got…watch. (he)

3. Is this… car? (you)

4. Do they like …new house? (she)

5. Have you met… teacher? (they)

6. Who’s got… money? (I)

7. I don’t like… teacher. (we)

8. Have you got… passport? (you)

9. He forgot… keys. (he)

10.They changed… hotel. (they)

11.She gave the letter to… secretary. (she)

12.There’s something wrong with… car. (I)

13.They’re having a party in…garden. (they)

14.Where’s…pen? (I)

15.I like …jacket. (You)

Упражнение 5

Вставьте some, any или no.

1. There are…. pictures in the book.

2. Are there ….new students in your groop?

3. There are …old houses in our street.

4. Are there … English textbooks on the desk? – Yes, there are…

5. Are there ….maps on the walls? – No, there aren’t…..

6. To make cabbage soup I need …cabbage, …onions, ….carrots, and …salt.

7. It’s winter. There are …leaves on the trees.

8. There is…ink in my pen: I can’t write.

Упражнение 6

Всавьте much, many, little, few, a little или a few.

1. When we walked … father down the road, we met another group of students.

2. If you have … spare time, look through this book. You will find …stories there which are rather interesting.

3. There was … hay in the barn, and the children could not play there.

4. There was … water in the river, and they decide to cross it.

5. She gave him …water to wash his hands and face.

6. I’d like to say… . Words about my jorney.

7. Let’s stay here … longer: it is such a nice place.

8. You don’t make … mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it?

9. She left and returned in … minutes.

10.I am sorry I have seen… plays by this author.

11.I can’t buy this expensive hat today: I have too … money.

12.Robert wrote so… letters that he’s never going to write a letter again.

13.Does your sister read…? – Yes, she does.

Упражнение 7

Используйте a, an или the там, где это необходимо.

Yesterday was (1)… terrible day. I woke up (2)… hour later than usual, so I was late for (3)… work.

(4)… manger was angry with me and said I was (5)… bad employee. On the way home that evening, I missed (6)… bus and had to take (7)… taxi. When I got home, I found 8… invitation to (9)… party. I went to (10)… party, but it was (11)… disaster. I didn’t know any of (12)… people there and I felt bored. I went home again, but I had left (13)… keys to my house at (14)… party, so I had to climb in through (15)… open window. I went to (16)… bed in (17)… very bad mood.

Упражнение 8

Вставьте артикль a, the там где это необходимо.

1. She’s …. journalist.

2. The… moon moves slowly round the… earth.

3. … sun is shining.

4. I’d like … cup of coffee, please.

5. Have you got … double room?

6. He gave me a lighter and some cigarettes but … lighter didn’t work.

7. There was … doctor and … nurse in the room … nurse was sleeping.

8. She took … sandwich and … piece of cake, but didn’t eat … cake.

9. Yes, I work at this school. I’m … teacher.

10. A man and two women were sitting in the car. I think … man was Italian.

11. Did you see … Pope when he came to England?

12. He offered me … cigarette, but I refused.

13. Did you send me … postcard when you were in Greece?

14. They had six cats and … dog. T really liked … dog.

15. Have you got … match, please?

16. She sent me … letter and … card … letter didn’t arrive.

17. I had … cup of tea and … ice cream … tea was terrible.

18. Have you met Sally? She’s … friend of mine.

Упражнение 9

Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Happy      4. shy           7. simple           10. real

2. pretty        5. left          8. joyful

3. grey           6. dry           9. accurate

Упражнение 10

Раскройте скобки.

1. It was ……. driving I have ever seen. (good)

2. Peter sang …… than all the others, (loud)

3. The holiday wasn’t .as ……… as the one we had last year.(expensive)

4. She’s a good student: she works…………………than the others. (careful)

5. Would you play…………………………, please? I’m trying to sleep. (quiet)

6. Of all the people in the factory, Joan works……………………. (efficient)

7. The weather isn’t……………………………..as I had expected.(bad)

8. This is the……………………………….company in the world. (big)

9. She plays the piano……………..than anyone else in her class. (beautiful)

10. Mr Jones is……………………………….person in the village. (old)

11. Mark hit the ball very…………………………..(hard)

12. She runs………………………………..than anyone else in the team. (fast)

13. Do you think older people drive………………than younger people? (slow)

14. They all dance well, but John dances…………………………(good)

15. This computer is nearly twice……………………..as the old one. (expensive)

16. He doesn’t ski………………………………..as his sister, (good)

17. This typewriter is……………………………………than mine, (modern)

18. I think they both behaved very…………………………………(rude)

19. People aren’t………………………………as they used to be. (thoughtful)

I waited……………………………….than anyone else. (long)

Упражнение 11

Заполните пробелы прилагательными в сравнительной и превосходной степени, добавляя необходимые слова.

Yesterday was 1____ cold day of the year. It had been snowing all night and everything was white. The children woke up 2_____ (early) usual. They were excited because the snow was 3______ (deep) ever before and they wanted to go outside and play. We dressed them in 4_____ (warm) clothes we could find, then they went out into the garden. We watched from the window as they built 5____ (big) snowman I have ever seen. As the snow was falling 6____ (hard) ever, the children soon came inside to warm up. They were laughing as if they had heard 7____ (funny) joke ever told. They said that they thought winter was 8______ (good) season of all.

Упражнение 12    

Поставьте is, are, isn’t или aren’t.

1. This ……….my family.

2. These………….my parents.

3. Lucy………….my sister, she’s my friend.

4. We………….in our garden, we aren’t at the beach.

5. My friends………….in this photo.

6. They………….at the park.

7. My dog, Bonzo, …………. in this photo.

8. He………….at the park too.

Упражнение 13    

Дайте отрицательную форму следующих предложений.

1. It’s hot today…………………………………

2. I’m at home………………………………….                                                                                                                                                                               

3. My friends are here……………………………    

4. You’re a teacher……………………………….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

5. It’s 3.30………………………………………….                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

6. We’re at the cinema………………………………                                                                                                                                                                                    

7. This is difficult……………………………………                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

8. We’re in London……………………………………..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

9. Katy is happy………………………………………..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

10. This answer is wrong……………………………….                                                                                                                                                       

Упражнение 14    

Дайте вопросительную форму следующих предложений.

1. I’m late…………………………?                                                                                                                                                                                                       

2. You’re ill……………………………………………………….?

3. They’re ready……………………………………………………..?

4. We’re right………………………………………………………?

5. He’s fifteen……………………………………………………….?

6. It’s cold……………………………………………………….?

7. She’s American………………………………………………………?

8. He’s at the park……………………………………………………….?

9. The school is in this street……………………………………………………….?

10.My books are in your bag……………………………………………………….?

Упражнение 15    

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Juan and Сarmen (live/lives) in Madrid.

2. Harry watch/watches television every evening.

3. I usually go/goes to school by bus.

4. It never snow/snows in this city.

5. Sam live/lives in that house.

6. You never clean/cleans your teeth!

7. Carol get/gets up early every day.

8. All the buses leave/leaves from this bus-stop.

Упражнение 16    

Раскройте скобки используя Present Simpleили Present Continuous.

1. She (read) at the moment.

2. (You go) to work by car?

3. I (not watch) television every night.

4. I (not watch) television at the moment.

5. We (see) our parents every week.

6. (You listen) to the radio now?

7. I (not get up) at seven o’clock every morning.

8. Peter (talk) to Susan now.

9. (They work) in the restaurant at the weekends?

10.She (listen) to the radio in her bedroom at the moment.

11.They (not come) to school every day.

12.(You work) now?

13.The children (go) to bed at eight o’clock.

14.I (leave) the office every day at five.

15.I’m sorry I can’t talk to you now. I (go) out.

16.(Peter and Jane work) in London at the moment?

17.(Mary and Susan drive) to the office every day?

18.We (go) to the beach now.

19.(John listen) to the radio at the moment?

20.(Your parents sit) in the garden now?

21.The film (start) every night at eight o’clock

22.They (not go) to the cinema very often.

23.(You go) into the office every month?

24.I (not study) at the moment.

Упражнение 17

Напишите предложения в Past Simple, сохраняя вопросительную или отрицательную форму предложения.

1. Do they agree? …….

2. They don’t drive …….

3. When do they go? …..

4. Where do they work? …..

5. Do you understand? …..

6. I don’t know ………

7. He doesn’t like it …..

8. What do you think? …..

9. She doesn’t live here……….

10. How much does it cost?…..

11. When do you get up?………

12. I don’t swim………………….

13. She doesn’t speak Spanish….

14. We don’t understand………

15. When do they leave?……….

16. When does he go to school?….

17. Do you like Germany?………

18. When do you go out?……….

19. She doesn’t smoke………….

20. He doesn’t know……………

Упражнение 18    

Всавьте в пропуски глаголы в Past Simple.

1. I …….. a few letters yesterday.

2. He…………..at six o’clock this morning.

3. They…………..home late last night.

4. She…………..a headache yesterday.

5. I was hungry so I…………..some bread and cheese.

6. They came into my office and…………..down.

7. We…………..some water.

8. I was late so I…………..to work.

9. She…………..abroad last week.

10. They………….him some money.

Упражнение 19

Поставьте глаголы в Past Continuous или в Past Simple.

1. I ……… television when the phone rang. (watch)

2. When the ambulance came, we………………………..him into it. (carry)

3. She………………………..her car when she suddenly felt ill. (drive)

4. When he saw me, he…………………………off the wall. (fall)

5. We…………………..to the radio when it suddenly stopped working. (listen)

6. Why…………………………cards when he walked into the office? (you play)

7. ………………………..you when you gave them the money? (they thank)

8. …………………………when you turned on the gas? (you smoke)

9. When I arrived, they………………………hello but continued working. (say)

10. When I got to the hospital, she……………………..in the waiting room. (sit)

Упражнение 20

Вставьте в пропуски did,was, или were.

1. I …….. not like it.

2. They……..were, enjoying themselves.

3. ……you have a good time?

4. What time………….you leave?

5. ………….he staying in a hotel?

6. I…………..n’t eating.

7. What…………..you do then?

8. Why…………..they sitting

9. What…………..they doing?

10. What………….you say?

11. Why….he working late last night?

12. They……….n’t playing cards.

13. She……………n’t understand.

14. I ……….not having a bath.

15. What………….the dog eating?

Упражнение 21

Напишите предложения используя used to.

1. I (smoke), but I (give it up) last year.

2. I (not like) him, but then I (change) my mind.

3. He (live) in London before he (go) abroad.

4. I (earn) a lot of money, but then I (lose) my job.

5. I’m surprised that they (join)the tennis club. They (not like) tennis.

6. (you travel) a lot before you (get) this job?

7. I (work) in a factory before I (become) a teacher.

8. She (drive) a lot before she (have) the accident.

9. That old radio (work) before I (drop) it.

10. We (see) them every week, but then we (have) an argument.

11. I (work) in a restaurant before I (go) to college.

12. She (play) a lot of tennis before she (break) her leg.

13. We (have) a garden, but then we (move) to a different house.

14. She (live) in Wales, but then she (move) back to Scotland.

15. I (drive) a lorry before I (start) this business.

Упражнение 22

Напишите предложения, раскрывая скобки в Present perfect.

1. … to Rome? (you ever be)

2. … this film before. (I see)

3. …in an office, (she never work)

4. …in an aeroplane. (I never be)

5.  …to Germany? (he ever be)

6. …my parents? (you met)

7.  …in the theatre? (you ever work)

8.  …to all the capital cities of Europe. (she be)

9.  …this book. (I read)

10. ….that new film about aliens? (you see)

11. …abroad, (we never be)

12. …a British policeman    before. (they never see)

13. …in a foreign country? (they ever live)

14. …the President, (they meet)

15. …to Brazil. (I never be)

Упражнение 23

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Past Indefinite.

1. I (read) that book three times.

2. She (go) home three days ago.

3. I (meet) Mr and Mrs Shelley.

4. She (start) school in 1984.

5. I (leave) the office early last night.

6. He (see) the film before.

7. (You be) to Austria?

8. (You see) the film on TV last night?

9. When (you arrive) in London?

10. John (be) to Germany before.

11. (You read) this book before?

12. I (not see) him yesterday.

13. I never (go) anywhere by plane until now.

14. (You hear) their new record? It’s the best they’ve ever made.

15. I (not know) about the disco last night.

Упражнение 24

Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect Continuous.

1. What (you do) today? – I (play) tennis.

2. How long (you study) English?

3. Oh, David! I (look) for you!

4. Pat (live) here for twenty-five years.

5. I’m tired. We (walk) all day.

6. How long (you learn) to drive?

7. I (wait) here for ages.

8. She’s bad-tempered because she (work) too hard.

9. They (watch) football since three o’clock.

10.Why (you see) your parents so much recently?

11.The children look exhausted. What (they do)?

12.She should pass the exam. She (study) for weeks.

13.Your mother sends her love. I (just speak) to her on the phone.

14.I (work) here since I was eighteen.

Упражнение 25

Напишите предложения используя to be going to.

1. When (you) … phone her?

2. (They not) … stay very long.

3. What (you) …say to your father?

4. (I not) …pay anything.

5. (We) …play tennis tomorrow?

6. (She) …live in Mexico for a few months.

7. (The machine) …work?

8. (Your parents) …have a holiday this year?

9. (They) …borrow some money from the bank.

10.(I not) … eat there again.

Упражнение 26

Напишите предложения в Future Simple.

1. I’m sure he (not be) late.

2. (I open) the window for you?

3. How long (the journey take?)

4. I suppose (she be) in London next week.

5. John (phone) your office for you.

6. (There be) a lot of people at the meeting?

7. What time (the race start?)

8. He (never agree) to your idea.

9. You (never see) your money again.

10.What’s the matter? (I phone) the doctor?

11.Don’t worry. I (pay) for the damage to your car.

12.(You be) at home tomorrow?

13.The company (not give) you an extra day’s holiday.

14.Don’t touch that! You (hurt) yourself!

15.There (not be) any newspapers tomorrow.

Упражнение 27

Напишите предложения, используя to begoing to, shall, или will.

1. Why is Sheila getting a passport? – She …………. live in Spain for a year.

2. I know she ………won’t. (not) agree with this idea.

3. I think the film…………………be a big success.

4. I don’t feel very well this morning. – Oh, dear……………..I look after the children for you?

5. The managing director……………….sack two hundred people next month.

6. There’s someone at the door. – OK, I…………………..answer it.

7. She……………………..never see her parents again.

8. Is that your new stereo? – Yes, but it doesn’t work. I……………to take it back to the shop.

9. I think the exam…………………..be quite easy.         

10.I see Hannah and Peter together a lot. – Yes. They……………get married.

11.You………………….probably have a really good time.

12.The dog looks ill. I think it…………………….be sick.

13.What (you)……………………..do this weekend?

14.I………………….see a late-night horror film at the Odeon.

15.You don’t have to walk: I………………………give you a lift.

16.I’ve had enough of this job. I…………………….leave.

17.Of course we……………………..help you.

Упражнение 28

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

A strange present

Jack and Molly (be)__1__twins and it was their ninth birthday. This exciting day (make)__2__them (feel)__3__ very special. In the morning the postman (bring)__4__ a lot of parcels which (address) __5__ to them. They (get)__6__ a lot of beautiful presents, and, to their great joy, a fine new bicycle each from Mother and Father, which they (dream)__7__ about for long time. When Molly (go)__8__ to bed that night she put all her presents on the dressing table. She (can)__9__(hear)__10__ her brother in the next room (walk)__11__noisily about. She (lie)__12__ in bed (plan)__13__lovely rides that she and Jack (take)__14__ as soon as they both (learn)__15__ how to manage their cycles. She just (wonder)__16__ whether mother (let)__17__ them (go)__18__ to Brighton when at once she became aware that something (move)__19__ in her room. Molly (raise)__20__ her head. She (see)__21__ something large and round (move)__22__softly on her dressing-table. Bigger and bigger it (grow)___23__. Then it (stop)__24__ (rock)__25__ and (fall)__26__ to the floor. Molly (spring)__27__ out of bed. She never (dress)__28__ so quickly in her short life. When the thing understood that he (watch)__29__ he (hurry)__30__ on and out of the room.

Упражнение 29

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

meeting the king 

Molly and Jack turned into a wide avenue that (lead)__1__to the green park in the centre of which (stand)__2__the King’s Palace. Through the grounds a little river (flow)__3__(sparkle)__4__in the sunlight. The big city hall (crowd)__5__with people. They (come)__6__to offer the King their help in the search that (take place)__7__soon. At first the children (can, not)__8__(see)__9__what (go)__10__. All of a sudden all the people (stop)__11__(talk)__12__. Looking up Jack and Molly (see)__13__the King (enter)__14__the hall. They never (meet)__15__any Kings before and they definitely liked this one. He (be)__16__“every inch a King”, though at the moment he (wear)__17__no crown or velvet robes as the Kings usually (do)__18__ in the children’s story-books at home, but (dress)__19__in a very simple suit. The King (rise)__20__and silence (fall)__21__. He began (tell)__22__the people about the plans for searching which he and his councilors (discuss)__23__ for so many days. “We want you (search)__24__every corner of this country until the Magic Leaf (find)__25__. But we have only a few days left before it (disappear)__26__. As soon as you (find)__27__ it, fire signals (give)__28__. And when the glad news (reach)__29__the City, all the bells (start)__30__ringing.” Such was the King’s order.

Упражнение 30

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

molly meets miss lydia

Molly was walking along the lonely road that (lie)__1__ between the hills. She (worry)__2__ by the letter from a stranger. She (can not)__3__(make)__4__ up her mind who (send)__5__ it. But then she decided that she (wait)__6__ till she (reach)__7__ Lake Desolate. When she finally (get)__8__ the shores of the lake, she (stand)__9__ (gaze)__10__ into the dark water. Suddenly she saw a blind woman in a long, grey cloak who (come)__11__slowly towards her. The woman’s foot (slip)__12__ a little and some of the stones on which she (stand)__13__ (fall)__14__ into the water noisily. As Molly looked at the woman’s face she (feel)__15__ certain that she (see)__16__her before. Then all of a sudden she (know)__17__. Of course, it was Miss Lydia! Molly (lead)__18__ her into the cottage, (bring)__19__ a chair into which the blind woman (sink)__20__ gratefully. “I (make)__21__you some tea?” suggested Molly. “Oh, no, I (want, not)__22__you worry__23__ about me, though you (be)__24__so good to me all this time.” Molly realized that if she (take)__25__ Miss Lydia with her she (lose)__26__ much time. Looking out of the window by chance she saw someone (hide)__27__ behind a bush. And then all at once she (catch)__28__sight of something that made her heart (stop)__29__ (beat)__30__.

Еще про залог:  Как сэкономить на страховке по ипотеке в 2021 году: 5 советов и 3 ошибки

Упражнение 31

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. You …… do your homework before you watch TV.

a) can’t   b) should  c) must

2……… I come in? It’s rather cold out here.

a) should    b) may  c) must

3. You ……..water the planets this weekend; they look dry.

a)are able to    b) needn’t c)ought to

4……. you collect the children from school, please?

a) must   b) will c) may

5. …….. you play the piano?

a) can    b) must c) should

6. I ……. buy some milk. There isn’t any left.

a) mustn’t    b)may  c) must

7. When…….. I call you?

a) shall   b) must c) needn’t

8. I …….. swim before I was able to work

a) might    b) could      c) can

9. You ………walk to work. I’ll give you a lift

a) must   b)needn’t  c) may

10. Tim ……….be out. There are no lights on.

a) shall   b) should c) must

Упражнение 32

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. They …… for a new house at the moment.

a) have been looking   b) are looking c) look

2. She …… her driving test.

a) has just passed   b) is passing  c) passes

3. I think I ………. shopping on Saturday afternoon.

a) to go    b) have been c)will go

4. Be careful! You ……… that plate!

a) are dropping    b) are going to drop c) drop

5. Ben looks tired. He …… hard all day long

a) had been working    b) has been working c) is working

6. When I left home this morning, it ……..

a) was raining        b) is raining c) rains

7. By the time I got there, Bill ………..

a) had already left   b)left  c) is leaving

8. I …….. three years old when my sister was born.

a) am    b) was being  c) was

9. Miss Jones ……..two cups of tea today.

a) has drunk   b)is drinking  c) drinks

10. Sarah ……… my best friend since 1992.

a) was    b) is being c) has been

Упражнение 33

Выберите правильный вариант.


F) didn’t have to g) will have to h) won’t have to

1. You can stay out late if you like. You ……..come home early.

2. He might ……….take his younger brother out to football match.

3. The bus came on time so we ……. wait long at the bus stop.

4. The rules for basketball say

a) you ……… run while holding the ball;

b) you …… bounce the ball while you run;

c) you …….. stand holding the ball for as long as you like;

d) you …… do something within five seconds.

5. We read a long poem in the class yesterday. It was boring. I’ am glad we ……… learn it by heart.

6. Jack has already cleaned his bicycle so he …….. do it tomorrow.

7. You ……. be here by 9.00 if you want to be sure of a seat.

8. You …….. walk on the grass!

9. Once or twice we lost our way and ……..ask a policeman for directions.

10.You ……….put your entry into the box before Friday if you want to enter the contest.

Упражнение 34

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвеннуюю

1. The teacher said to me: “Hand this note to your parents, please.”

2. He said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle”.

3. “I am going to the theatre tonight”, he said to me.

4. Mother said to me: “Who has brought this parcel?”

5. He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?”

6. Oleg said to his sister: “Put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate.”

7. Mike said: “I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning”.

8. He said to her: “I shall do it today if I have time”.

9. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?”

10.She said to Boris: “When will you be back home?”

11.“Please help me with this work, Henry,” said Robert.

12.I said to them: “I can give you my uncle’s address.”

13.Oleg said: “My room is on the second floor.”

14.Boris said to them: “How can I get to the railway station?”

15.Mary asked Tom: What time will you come here tomorrow?”

16.“Please bring me some fish soup,” he said to the waitress.

17.He said: “I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg.”

18.Misha said: “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.”

19.She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?”

20.She asked me: “What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?”

Упражнение 35

Напишите предложения в страдательном залоге.

1. Someone broke this mirror last night……………………………………

2. Someone washes the towels in the hotel every day………………………

3. Someone built the house ten years ago…………………………………..

4. They grow this fruit in very hot countries………………………………..

5. They pay the office workers weekly…………………………………….

6. Someone bought all this cheese in France……………………………….

7. Someone found Emily’s bike in the river………………………………..

8. Someone visits most of the prisoners once a week………………………

9. Someone cleans this car every week…………………………………….

10.They play a lot of sport on the beach……………………………………

11.Someone stole all my best jewellery……………………………………

12.They carried the children all the way home…………………………….

13.Someone watches the palace twenty-four hours a day………………….

14.They leave the grapes to dry in the sun…………………………………

Упражнение 36

Вставьте предлоги, если это необходимо.

1. ….last summer we spent our holiday in France.

2. I hope you feel better… the time you get this letter.

3. She lived in that house…1985…1988.

4. Mrs. Jackson lived in England… three years.

5. I haven’t seen her… Monday.

6. Chris’s gone. But he’ll return …an hour.

7. She got married …the age…19.

8. The train starts…8.50, so you’d better be… the station…time.

9. He lives ….Chicago.

10.My sister isn’t… home, she is…school.

Упражнение 37

Вставьте предлоги.

1. The dog ran ….……tree five or six times.

2. We flew slowly…………………the suburbs of Paris.

3. I moved the baby…………………the fire.

4. The police ran………………..the crowd and arrested a young man.

5. If you put some money………………..here, the machine will start.

6. They had nowhere to stay so they slept………………..a bridge.

7. The town hall is………………..the library and the museum.

8. We watched the soldiers as they walked……….our house on their way to the ship.

9. They ran out of the dressing-room………………..the football pitch.

10. London is…………………the south-east of England.

11. The dog stood………………..the door and waited.

12. They walked hand-in-hand………………..the side of the canal.

13. I didn’t want my mother to see her present, so I held it……………my back.

14. The cat jumped……………….my arms and ran away.

15. I threw the stone…………………the sea.

16. The bottles fell………………..the lorry and rolled………………..the hill.

17. It was too dark to see so he walked slowly, holding his arms ………..him.

18. I put a chair……………….the door to stop anyone coming in.

19. We crawled………………..a hole in the fence.

20. What have you got……………….your hand?

21. The cat was sitting……………….the cupboard, looking down at me.

22. I was frightened. I could see him walking…………….me, with a very angry look on his face.

23. I tied the string……………….my waist.

24. If you are feeling sick, you should sit……………a chair and put your head……………your knees.

25. The cat jumped out of the tree…………………the roof of my car.

Упражнение 38

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. After lunch you phoned someone.

a) Who rang you? b) Who did you ring?

2. The policeman is interviewing the robber.

a) Who is interviewing the robber? b) Who did you ring?

3. … is it from here to St. Petersburg?

a) How far b) How long

4. … would you like to drink?

a) Who rang you? b) Who did you ring?

5. … of brothers Grimn was the eldest?

a) who b) What c) which

6. It’s so cold today… put on your warm coat?

a) Why you haven’t b) Why haven’t you

7. … birthday is it today?

It’s Janet’s birthday today. She is 19.

a) Which b) Whom c) what d)whose

8. … does it cost to stay at the Hillton Hotel/

a) How many b) How much c) What

9. … is Pam’s sister? – She’s a secretary at our college

a) What b) Who c) Where

10.You can have a photo… one would you like?

a) What b) Which

Упражнение 39

Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. If the train’s late, we (walk).

2. She (call) you if she (have) time.

3. If it costs too much, I (buy) a smaller one.

4. If the doctor can’t see me, I (go) somewhere else.

5. If the class (be) full, we (find) another one.

6. What will we do if the taxi (not come)?

7. Will you phone me if there (be) any problems?

8. I (ask) Peter if I (see) him tomorrow.

9. I (go) next week, if 1 (can) get a train ticket.

10.If I (have) to, I (complain) to the manager.

11.If he (see) me here, he (be) really angry.

12.Mary (be) worried if you don’t come to the airport.

Упражнение 40

Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

1. If you drove more carefully, you (not have) so many accidents.

2. If he (get up) earlier, he’d get to work on time.

3. If we (have) more time, I could tell you more about it.

4. If you (sell) more products, you’d earn more money.

5. I could help you if you (trust) me more.

6. His car would be a lot safer if he (buy) some new tyres.

7. The children would be better swimmers if they (go) swimming more frequently.

8. I wouldn’t mind having children if we (live) in the country.

9. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.

10.If I (have) any money, I’d give you some.

11.Your parents (be) a lot happier if you phoned them more often.

12.Where would you like to live if you (not live) in Paris?

13.What would you do if you suddenly (win) half a million pounds?

14.Would you mind if I (not give) you the money I owe you today?

15.If I had to go to hospital, (not go) to this one.

Упражнение 41

Заполните пропуски герундием, используя глаголы только один раз.


1. She likes … every morning before breakfast.

2. After … .my homework, I usually watch TV.

3. I enjoy … on the beach.

4. She doesn’t like …with other children.

5. … is a fast way of ….

6. She likes sport, especially … horses and ….

7. After … several times, I finally passed my exams.

8. I lay in bed and thought about … up.

Упражнение 42

Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы ниже только один раз.

Help stay    find  speak look after telephone buy

Go out  get on

1. We decided … to Spain for our holidays.

2. She learnt … Arabic when she was a child.

3. I tried …you but there was no answer.

4. They refused … the plane.

5. She hopes … a job soon.

6. Did you forget … the bread?

7. I’m tired: I don’t want … tonight.

8. They offered … the children for the evening.

9. They’re planning … with us for the weekend.

10.He agreed … us with our problem.

Упражнение 43

Образуйте прилагательное из существительного

1. Metal –

2. Ghost –

3. Week –

4. Suspicion –

5. Glory –

6. Poison –

7. Climate –

8. Industry –

9. Order –

10.Fame –

11.Friend –

12.Humour –

13.Danger –

14.Year –

15.adventure –

Упражнение 44

Образуйте существительное из прилагательного

1. Punctual –

2. Fluent –

3. Special –

4. Popular –

5. Present –

6. Convenient –

7. Efficient –

8. Stupid –

9. Independent –

10.Urgent –

11.Weak –

12.Constant –

13.Different –

14.Frequent –

15.Silent –

Ключи к упражнениям для самоконтроля

Упражнение 1

1. Wives

2. Stepmothers

3. Watches

4. Workbooks

5. Dictionaries

6. Brushes

7. Women

8. Teapots

9. Tomatoes


Упражнение 2

1. These magazines

2. those stikers

3. these stamps

4. those sandwiches

5. these posters

6. these teacups

7. those walls

8. those pictures

9. these feet

10.those mountains

11.these ladies

12.those windows

13.these men

14.those matches

15.these knives

Упражнение 3

1. The dog’s ball

2. That man’s skateboard

3. The children’s songs

4. The grandmother’s umbrella

5. My friend’s room

6. My son’s questions

7. My brother’s wife

8. Our teacher’s table

9. My son’s computer is modern

10.My parents’ car

Упражнение 4

1. my  

2. his   

3. your   

4. her   

5. their   

6. my   

7. our   

8. your  

9. his   







Упражнение 5

1. There are some pictures in the book.

2. Are there any new students in your groop?

3. There are no (some) old houses in our street.

4. Are there any English textbooks on the desk? – Yes, there are some.

5. Are there any maps on the walls? – No, there aren’t any.

6. To make cabbage soup I need some cabbage, some onions, some carrots, and some salt.

7. It’s winter. There are no leaves on the trees.

8. There is no ink in my pen: I can’t write.

Упражнение 6

1. When we walked a little father down the road, we met another group of students.

2. If you have a little spare time, look through this book. You will find a few stories there which are rather interesting.

3. There was much hay in the barn, and the children could not play there.

4. There was little water in the river, and they decide to cross it.

5. She gave him a little water to wash his hands and face.

6. I’d like to say a few words about my jorney.

7. Let’s stay here a little longer: it is such a nice place.

8. You don’t make many mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it?

9. She left and returned in a few minutes.

10.I am sorry I have seen few plays by this author.

11.I can’t buy this expensive hat today: I have too little money.

12.Robert wrote so many letters that he’s never going to write a letter again.

13.Does your sister read much? – Yes, she does.

Упражнение 7

1. a,

2. an,

3.  –

4. the

5. a

6. the

7. a

8. an

9. a









Упражнение 8

1. a 

2. The the 

3. The 

4. a 

5. a 

6. the 

7. a, a, The 

8. a, a, the 

9. a 





14.a, the 


16.a, a, The

17.a, an, The 


Упражнение 9

4. Happy – happier – happiest

5. pretty – preetier the prettiest

6. grey – more grey – the most grey

7. shy – shier – the shiest

8. left – more left – the most left

9. dry – drier – the driest

10.simple – simpler – the simplest

11.joyful – more joyful – the most jouful

12.accurate – more accurate – the most accurate

13.real – realer – the realest

Упражнение 10

1. the best  

2. louder   

3. as expensive  

4. more carefully  

5. more quietly

6. the most efficiently   

7. as bad   

8. biggest   

9. more beautifully  

10.the oldest



13.more slowly   

14.the best   

15.as expensive   

16.as well

17.more modern   


19.as thoughtful   


Упражнение 11

1. the coldest

2. earlier than

3. deeper than

4. the warmest

5. the biggest

6. harder than

7. the funniest

8. the best

Упражнение 12

1. is  

2. are  

3. is  

4. are  

5. are   

6. are  

7. is   

8. is 

Упражнение 13    

1. It’s not hot today

2. I’m not at home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

3. My friends aren’t here. 

4. You’re not a teacher.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

5. It’s not 3.30.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

6. We’re not at the cinema.                                                                                                                                                                                    

7. This isn’t difficult.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

8. We’re not in London.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

9. Katy isn’t happy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

10. This answer isn’t wrong.                                                                                                                                                   

Упражнение 14    

1. Am I late?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

2. Are you ill?

3. Are they ready?

4. Are we right?

5. Is he fifteen?

6. Is it cold?

7. Is she American?

8. Is he at the park?

9. Is the school in this street?

10.Are my books in your bag?

Упражнение 15

1. live

2. watches

3. go

4. snows

5. lives

6. clean

7. gets

8. leave

Упражнение 16

1. She’s reading  

2. Do you go    

3. I don’t watch   

4. I’m not watching   

5. We see 6 Are you listening   

6. I don’t get up  

7. Peter’s talking  

8. Do they work  

9. She’s listening  

10.They don’t come   

11.Are you working   

12.The children go   

13.I leave  

14.I’m going out.   

15.Are Peter and Jane working   

16.Do Mary and Susan drive  

17.We’re going  

18.Is John listening   

19.Are your parents sitting   

20.The film starts  

21.They don’t go    

22.Do you go   

23.I’m not studying

Упражнение 17

1. Did they agree? 

2. They didn’t drive. 

3. When did they go?  

4. Where did they work?  

5. Did you understand?  

6. I didn’t know.  

7. He didn’t like it.  

8. What did you think?    

9. She didn’t live here.  

10.How much did it cost?  

11.When did you get up?    

12.I didn’t swim. 

13.She didn’t speak Spanish.  

14.We didn’t understand.   

15.When did they leave?   

16.When did he go to school?   

17.Did you like Germany?   

18.When did you go out?   

19.She didn’t smoke.  

20.He didn’t know.

Упражнение 18

1. wrote    

2. got up   

3. came     

4. had     

5. ate    

6. sat     

7. drank   

8. ran   

9. went   


Упражнения 19

1. was watching   

2. carried  

3. was driving   

4. fell   

5. were listening   

6. were you playing   

7. Did they thank   

8. Were you smoking   

9. said   

10.was sitting

Упражнение 20

1. did    

2. were   

3. Did   

4. did   

5. Was   

6. was   

7. did   

8. were  

9. were      







Упражнение 21

1. used to smoke … gave it up

2. didn’t use to like him … changed

3. used to live … went

4. used to earn … lost

5. joined … didn’t use to like

6. Did you use to travel … got

7. used to work … became

8. used to drive … had

9. used to work … dropped

10. used to see … had

11. used to work … went

12. used to play … broke

13. used to have … moved

14. used to live … moved

15. used to drive … started

Упражнение 22

1. Have you ever


2. I’ve seen    

3. She’s never


4. I’ve never been    

5. Has he ever


6. Have you met    

7. Have you ever


8. She’s been    

9. I’ve read     

10.Have you seen    

11.We’ve never


12.They’ve never


13.Have they ever


14.They’ve met    

15.I’ve never been

Упражнение 23

1. I’ve read   

2. She went  

3. I’ve met  

4. She started  

5. I left   

6. He s seen        

7. Have you been   

8. Did you see   

9. did you arrive    

10.John’s been  

11.Haveyou read   

12.I didn’t see   

13.I’ve never been   

14.Have you heard   

15.I didn’t know

Упражнение 24

1. have you been doing … I’ve been playing   

2. have you been studying

3. I’ve been looking       

4. Pat’s been living     

5. We’ve been walking

6. have you been learning    

7. I’ve been waiting    

8. she’s been working

9. They’ve been watching    

10. have you been seeing   

11. have they been doing            

12. She’s been studying    

13. I’ve just been speaking    

14. I’ve been working

Упражнение 25

1. are you going to   

2. They aren’t going to   

3. are you going to   

4. I’m not going to   

5. Are we going to   

6. She’s going to    

7. Is the machine going to    

8. Are your parents going to    

9. They’re going to    

10. I’m not going

Упражнение 26

1. he won’t be late.  

2. Shall I open the window   

3. How long will the journey take?  

4. she’ll be in London

5. John will phone your office

6. Will there be a lot of people

7. What time will the race start?

8. He’ll never agree

9. You’ll never see your money

10.Shall I phone the doctor?

11.I’ll pay for the damage

12.Will you be at home

Еще про залог:  Избирательный залог - Election deposit - xcv.wiki

13.The company won’t give you

14.You’ll hurt yourself! 

15.There won’t be any newspapers

Упражнение 27

1. ‘s going to  

2. won’t   

3. will/is going to   

4. Shall    

5. is going to   

6. ‘ll  

7. ‘ll

8. ‘m going   

9. will/is going to  

10.‘re going to  


12.‘s going to   

13.are you going to   

14.‘m going to   


16.‘m going to   


Упражнение 28

1. Were

2. Made

3. Feel

4. Brought

5. Were


6. Got

7. Had been


8. Went

9. Could

10. Hear

11. Walking

12. Lay (was


13. planning

14. Would take

15. Learned

16. Was


17. Would let

18. Go

19. Was moving,

           had moved

20. Rised

21. Saw

22. Moving


23. Grew (was


24. Stopped

25. Rocking

26. Fell

27. Sprang

28. Had never


29. Was being


30. Hurried

Упражнение 29

1. Led

2. Stood

3. Flowed

4. Sparkling

5. Was crowded

6. Jas come

7. Would take


8. Could not

9. See

10. Was going on

11. Stopped

12. Talking

13. Saw

14. Enter (entering)

15. Had never met

16. Was

17. Was wearing

18. Did

19. Was dressed

20. Rose

21. Fell

22. To tell

23. Had been


24. To search

25. Is found

26. Disappears

27. Find (have


28. Will be given

29. Reaches

30. Will start

Упражнение 30

1. Lay

2. Was worried

3. Could not

4. Make

5. Had sent

6. Would wait

7. Reached

8. Got

9. Stood

10. Gazing

11. Was coming

12. Slipped

13. Was standing

14. Fell

15. Felt

16. Had senn

17. Knew

18. Led

19. Brought

20. Sank

21. Shall I make

22. Don’t want

23. To worry

24. Have been

25. Took

26. Would lose

27. Hiding

28. Cought

29. Stop

30. Beating

Упражнение 31

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. B


Упражнение 32

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. A


Упражнение 33

11.You can stay out late if you like. You don’t have to come home early.

12.He might have to take his younger brother out to football match.

13.The bus came on time so we didn’t have to wait long at the bus stop.

14.The rules for basketball say

a) you mustn’t run while holding the ball;

b) you must bounce the ball while you run;

c) you mustn’t stand holding the ball for as long as you like;

d) you must do something within five seconds.

15.We read a long poem in the class yesterday. It was boring. I’ am glad we don’t have to learn it by heart.

16.Jack has already cleaned his bicycle so he won’t have to do it tomorrow.

17.You have to (will have to) be here by 9.00 if you want to be sure of a seat.

18.You mustn’t walk on the grass!

19.Once or twice we lost our way and had to ask a policeman for directions.

20.You have to put your entry into the box before Friday if you want to enter the contest.

Упражнение 34

21.The teacher told me to hand that note to my parents.

22.He said tha t he had just received a letter from his uncle.

23.He told me that he was going to the theatre that night.

24.Mother wanted to know who had brought that parcel.

25.He asked her where she usually spent her summer holidays.

26.Oleg told his sister to put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate.

27.Mike said that he had spoken to Mr. Brown that morning.

28.He told her that he would do it tthatday if he had time.

29.Ann wondered when Mike had left London.

30.She asked Boris when he would be back home.

31.Robert asked Henry to help him with that work.

32.I told them that I could give them my said uncle’s address.

33.Oleg said that his room was on the second floor.

34.Boris asked them how he could get to the railway station.

35.Was interested what time Tom would come there the next day.

36.He asked the waitress to bring him some fish soup

37.He said that he was sure she would ring him up when she was back in St. Petersburg.

38.Misha said that he had seen them at his parents’ house the year before.

39.She asked me why I had not come there the day before.

40.She wanted to know what I should do the next day if I was not busy at my office.

Упражнение 35

1. This mirror was broken last night.

2. The towels in the hotel are washed every day.

3. The house was built ten years ago.

4. This fruit is grown in very hot countries.

5. The office workers are paid weekly.

6. All this cheese was bought in France.

7. Emily’s bike was found in the river.

8. Most of the prisoners are visited once a week.

9. This car is cleaned every week. 

10.A lot of sport is played on the beach. 

11.All my best jewellery was stolen.

12.The children were carried all the way home.

13.The palace is watched twenty-four hours a day. 

14.The grapes are left to dry in the sun.

Упражнение 36

11.Last summer we spent our holiday in France.

12.I hope you feel better by the time you get this letter.

13.She lived in that house from 1985 to1988.

14.Mrs. Jackson lived in England for three years.

15.I haven’t seen her since Monday.

16.Chris’s gone. But he’ll return in an hour.

17.She got married at the age of 19.

18.The train starts at 8.50, so you’d better be at the station in time.

19.He lives in Chicago.

20.My sister isn’t at home, she is at school.

Упражнение 37

1. round

2. over

3. away from

4. into/through

5. in

6. under

7. between

8. past

9. onto





14.out of


16.off… down

17.in front of




21.on top of/on



24.on … between


Упражнение 38

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. B

9. A


Упражнение 39

1. we’ll walk

2. she’ll call … she


3. I’ll buy

4. I’ll go

5. is … we’ll find

6. doesn’t come

7. are

8. I’ll ask … I see

9. I’ll go … I can

10.I have to … I’ll


11.he sees … he’ll


12.will be

13.it snows … we’ll


14.I’ll lend … they


15.you visit … you’ll see

Упражнение 40

1. you wouldn’t


2. he got up

3. we had

4. you sold

5. you trusted

6. he bought

7. they went

8. we lived

9. I were/was you

10.I had



13.you didn’t live


15.I didn’t give

16.I wouldn’t go

Упражнение 41

1. running

2. doing

3. lying

4. playing

5. Flying …


6. riding,


7. trying

8. getting

Упражнение 42

1. to go

2. to speak

3. to telephone

4. to get on

5. to find

6. to buy

7. to go out

8. to look after

9. to stay

10.to help

Упражнение 43

1. Metallic

2. Ghostly

3. Weekly

4. Suspicious

5. Glorious

6. Poisonous

7. Climatic

8. Industrious

9. Orderly







Упражнение 44

1. Punctuality

2. Fluency

3. Speciality

4. Popularity

5. Presence

6. Convenience

7. Efficiency

8. Stupidity

9. Independenence

10. Urgency

11. Weakness

12. Constancy

13. Difference

14. Frequency

15. Silence


Abide by – придерживаться
Adhere – оставаться верным
Administer justice – вершить правосудие
Administer punishment – применять наказание
Administrative agency – правительственное учреждение
Advocate – адвокат, защитник, сторонник (точки зрения, метода, образа жизни)
Affirm – подтверждать
Alleged offender – предполагаемый преступник, подозреваемый
Allocate – распределять
Amend – исправлять
Amendment to the constitution – поправка к конституции
Answer – возражение ответчика
Appeal – обжаловать
Appellate court – апелляционный суд
Appellate review – апелляционный пересмотр
Arbitration – арбитраж
Arson – поджог
Arbitrator – третейский судья, арбитр
Assault – словесное оскорбление; угроза физическим насилием
Attorney – поверенный; адвокат; юрист; атторней, прокурор
Authority – власть, полномочие
Award – присужденное наказание, решение (судьей)
Award damages – возмещать убытки

Barrister – адвокат, барристер
Beyond (one’s) scope – вне (чьей-л.) компетенции
Bind – обязывать, связывать, ограничивать
Binding – обязательный, принудительный
Binding agreement – соглашение, обязывающее обе стороны
Blackmail – шантаж; вымогание, вымогательство, шантажирование
Body-guard – телохранитель
Brief – краткое письменное изложение дела с привлечением фактов и документов, с которым сторона выступает в суде
Burglary – ночная кража со взломом

Capital punishment – смертная казнь
Case – судебное дело
Case law – прецедентное право
Charge with (syn. prosecute, indict) – обвинять
Charter – устав, хартия
Civil law – гражданское право
Civil procedure – гражданский процесс
Common law – общее право
Criminal law – уголовное право
Criminal procedure – уголовный процесс
Convict – отбывающий наказание (преступник); осужденный, заключенный
Convict of – осуждать, признавать виновным; выносить приговор
County – графство (административно-территориальная единица в Англии), округ (административно-территориальная единица в США)
Court – суд
Circumstance – обстоятельство
Civil case – гражданское дело
Claim – иск, претензия
Complaint – иск, жалоба
Court reporter – секретарь судебного заседания

Damages – убытки
Deal with – иметь дело с (кем-л., чем-л.)
Default – неявка в суд
Defendant – ответчик; обвиняемый, подсудимый
Delegate (authority) – передавать (полномочия), поручать
Deny – отрицать
Deposition – письменное показание под присягой
Deprivation of life – лишение жизни
Drug-trafficking – торговля наркотиками
Due – должный, надлежащий, соответствующий

Enact – предписывать, устанавливать
Enact a law – принимать закон
Enforce – осуществлять, приводить в исполнение
Fairness – честность, справедливость, законность
False accusation – лживое обвинение
Fine – штраф
Forgery – подделка, подлог, фальсификация, фальшивка
Formal charge – формальное обвинение

Guilt – вина, виновность

Homicide – убийство

Impartial – беспристрастный, непредвзятый
Imprison – заключать в тюрьму; лишать свободы
Injure – причинить зло, ранить, ушибить, испортить, повредить (что-л.)
Injured party – сторона, понесшая ущерб
Injury – повреждение
Innocent – невиновный
Insurance adjuster – оценщик размера страхового убытка
Invalidate – лишать законной силы
Investigate – расследовать
Issue – предмет тяжбы
Issue of law – вопросы права
Issue of fact – фактическая сторона дела

(trial) Jury – суд присяжных
Justify – оправдывать, объяснять, подтверждать

Kidnapping – похищение человека с целью выкупа

Law – закон (регулирующий, предписывающий акт)
Lawyer – юрист; адвокат
Law enforcement – 1) правовое принуждение, применение закона;
2) обеспечение правопорядка, деятельность
правоохранительных органов
lawsuit – судебный процесс, иск, тяжба
Legal action – судебный процесс
Legislative authority – законодательная власть
Legislature – законодательная власть; законодательные учреждения
Liability – ответственность
Litigate – судиться, быть тяжущейся стороной (в судебном процессе), оспаривать (на суде)
Litigation – тяжба, судебный процесс
Lower courts – суды первой инстанции

Manslaughter – непредумышленное убийство
Mediation – посредничество
Mediator – посредник, примиритель
Monetary damages – денежный ущерб
Mugging – маггинг (вид грабежа или разбоя на улице, когда преступник-
наркоман с целью завладения деньгами потерпевшего
подкрадывается к нему сзади и душит сгибом руки за горло)
Murder – убийство
Mutually acceptable solution – взаимоприемлемое решение

Negotiation – переговоры
Nullify – аннулировать

Offender – преступник
Offense – проступок, нарушение (against — чего-л.); преступление
Officer – чиновник, должностное лицо; служащий
Ordinance – указ, декрет, постановление
Overturn – опровергать, отменять

Penalty – наказание, взыскание, штраф
Pickpocketing – карманная кража
Plaintiff – истец
Plead – обращаться с просьбой, ходатайствовать
Plead guilty – признать себя виновным
Pretrial hearing – предварительное слушание дела судьей и адвокатами
Procedural law – процессуальное право
Prosecute – преследовать судебным порядком
Prosecution – обвинение (сторона в судебном процессе)
Prosecutor – обвинитель, прокурор, истец
Provision – условие (договора)
Public prosecutor – прокурор
Punishment – наказание

Rape – изнасилование
Rehear – вновь заслушивать дело
Relief – помощь
Remedy – средство судебной защиты, средство защиты права
Remand – отсылать (дело) обратно на доследование, возвращать в
первоначальную инстанцию
Resolve – разрешать; решать (задачу, проблему)
Revenge – месть
Reverse (syn. repeal)– аннулировать, отменять
Review – пересматривать
Robbery – кража; грабеж
Rules and regulations – правила и нормативы

Seizure – конфискация, наложение ареста
Sentence – приговор; выносить приговор, приговаривать
Settle a dispute – разрешать спор
Settlement – урегулирование; соглашение, расчет
Shoplifting – магазинная кража, кража в магазине
Smuggling – контрабанда, провоз контрабандным путём
Solicitor – солиситор, адвокат (дающий советы клиенту, дела для барристера и выступающий только в судах низшей инстанции)
Stare decisis – лат. букв. «стоять на решенном»
Statute – статут, законодательный акт парламента
Statutory law – статутное право; право, выраженное в законах; «писаный закон»
Steal – красть, воровать
Substantive law – материальное право
Sue – возбуждать дело, судиться
(the) Supreme Court – Верховный суд
Suspect – подозреваемый
System of checks and balances – система сдержек и противовесов

Testify – давать показания, свидетельствовать, показывать (to — в пользу, against — против)
Theft– воровство, грабеж, кража
Trial – судебное разбирательство; судебный процесс, суд
Thief (мн. ч. thieves) – вор, похититель
Transcript – расшифровка (стенограммы)
Trial court – суд первой инстанции, судебное заседание

Undergo trial – представать перед судом

Victim – жертва
Violate – нарушать
Violation of the rights – нарушение прав
Void – недействительный; не имеющий юридической силы

Wrongdoer – преступник, правонарушитель

Список использованной литературы

1. Агабекян, И. П. Практический английский для студентов-юристов / И. П. Агабекян. – Ростов р/Д : Феникс, 2005. – 416 с. 

2. Голицынский, Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений/ Ю.Б. Голицынский. – 4-е изд., – СПб.: КАРО, 2003.

3. Гуманова, Ю. Л. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс / Ю. Л. Гуманова, В. А. Королева-МакАри, М. Л. Свешникова. – М.: Зерцало-М, 2004. – 262с.

4. Гуманова, Ю. Л. Just English. The State of Britain: английский для юристов и политологов углубленный курс / Ю. Л. Гуманова, В. А. Королева-МакАри, М. Л. Свешникова. – М.: КноРус, 2008 – 200с.

5. Илиади, Ю. А. Английский для юристов / Ю. А. Илиади. – М. : ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2008. – 392с.

6. Ионина, А.А. Английская грамматика: теория и практика/ А.А.Ионина,  А.С. Саакян. – М.: Рольф, 2000.

7. Качалова, К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами/ К.Н.Качалова,  Е.Е. Израилевич. – М.: ЮНВЕС ЛИСТ, 2000.

8. Кошманова, И.И. Тесты по английскому языку/ И.И. Кошманова. – 2-е изд., испр. – М: «Рольф», 2000.

9. Крылова, И.П. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Учеб. Пособие/ И.П. Крылова, Е.В. Крылова. – 2-е изд., перераб. – М.: ЧеРо, 1998.

10. Николенко, Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка/ Т.Г. Николенко. – 2-е изд. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2003.

11. Плужник, И. Л. Legal English. Учебник английского языка для студентов юридических специальностей / И. Л. Плужник. – Екатеринбург : Уральский рабочий, 2002. – 248с.

12. Brown, G. D. Professional English in use: Law / G. D. Brown, S. Rice. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 128 p.

21. Elanie Walker. Grammar Practice. For pre-intermediate students/ Elanie Walker, Steve Elsworth. – Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

22. Elanie Walker. Grammar Practice. For intermediate students/ Elanie Walker, Steve Elsworth. – Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

23. English vocabulary in use: pre-intermediate and intermediate / S. Redman. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. – 266 p.

24. Evans, V. Career Path: Law / V. Evans, J. Dooley, D. J. Smith. – Newburry : Expressing Publishing, 2021. – 39 p.

25. Evans, V. Enterprise 4. Coursebook / V. Evans, J. Dooley. – Newburry : Expressing Publishing, 1997. – 199 p.

26. Dooley, Jenny. Grammarway 3/ Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans. – Express Publishing, 2002.

27. Krois-Linder, A. International legal English / A. Krois-Linder and TransLegal. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021. – 260 p.

28. Watcyn-Jones, P. Test your vocabulary-3 / P. Watcyn-Jones, O. Johnston. – Harlow : Penguin Books, 2002. – 122 p.

Учебное издание

ТЕЛЕШЕВА Ирина Владимировна,

Другие формы passive voice

Разберем, в каких еще формах и конструкциях можно употреблять страдательный залог.

  1. Пассивный залог также используется в следующих вариантах:
    Present Infinitiveto be V3She hopes to be invited to the party. — Она надеется, что ее пригласят на вечеринку.

    They expect the work to be done by the weekend. — Они ожидают, что работу закончат к выходным.

    Perfect Infinitiveto have been V3He pretended to have been given money. — Он притворился, что ему дали деньги.

    He was really surprised to have been granted a certificate. — Он был очень удивлен, что ему выдали сертификат.

    -ing formbeing V3Nobody likes being treated badly. — Никому не нравится, когда с ним обращаются плохо.

    I hate being told what to do. — Я ненавижу, когда мне говорят, что делать.

    Perfect -ing formhaving been V3They admitted having been told about that. — Они признали, что им это говорили.

    I don’t remember having been asked to help her. — Я не помню, чтобы меня просили ей помочь.

    Modalsmust/can be V3This rule must be taken into consideration. — Это правило должно быть принято во внимание.

    It can be postponed till Tuesday. — Это можно отложить до вторника.

  2. Глаголы to believe (верить, полагать), to expect (ожидать), to feel (чувствовать), to hope (надеяться), to know (знать), to say (говорить), to think (думать), to report (сообщать, докладывать), to understand (понимать, подразумевать) могут использоваться в пассивном залоге только в двух типах конструкций: impersonal construction, personal construction. Эти конструкции нужны, когда у нас нет необходимости ссылаться на мнение кого-то конкретного. Мы говорим об общеизвестных фактах, общем мнении.
    Название конструкцииФормулаПример
    Impersonal constructionIt пассивный залог that-clauseIt is believed that they are from a very rich family. — Считается, что они из очень богатой семьи.

    It was expected that they would come on Friday. — Ожидалось, что они приедут в пятницу.

    Personal constructionПодлежащее пассивный залог to infinitiveThey are believed to be from a very rich family. — Считается, что они из очень богатой семьи.

    They were expected to come on Friday. — Ожидалось, что они приедут в пятницу.

    Давайте еще раз посмотрим, как из предложений в активном залоге образуются пассивные конструкции.

    People say Anna is a gossiper. — Люди говорят, что Анна — сплетница.
    It is said that Anna is a gossiper. — Говорят, что Анна — сплетница. (impersonal construction)
    Anna is said to be a gossiper. — Говорят, что Анна — сплетница. (personal construction)

    They know that Eric works for FBI. — Они знают, что Эрик работает на ФБР.
    It is known that Eric works for FBI. — Известно, что Эрик работает на ФБР. (impersonal construction)
    Eric is known to work for FBI. — Известно, что Эрик работает на ФБР. (personal construction)

  3. Когда действие выполняет кто-то за нас или для нас, используется конструкция have something done. Как правило, речь может идти о предоставлении каких-либо услуг. Предложения с этой конструкцией строятся следующим образом:
    Подлежащее have дополнение глагол в 3-ей форме

    I did my nails yesterday. — Я сделала маникюр вчера.
    I had my nails done yesterday. — Мне сделали маникюр вчера.

    His parents will build a house tree. — Его родители построят домик на дереве.
    They will have their tree house built. — Им построят домик на дереве.

    Эта конструкция может использоваться в разных временах. В зависимости от времени меняется вспомогательный глагол have.

    ВремяПример в активном залогеПример с конструкцией have something done
    Present SimpleShe cleans my flat every weekend. — Она убирает мою квартиру каждые выходные.I have my flat cleaned every weekend. — Мою квартиру убирают каждые выходные.
    Past SimpleI sent a parcel. — Я отправил посылку.I had my parcel sent. — Мою посылку отправили.
    Future SimpleWe will paint the kitchen. — Мы покрасим кухню.We will have our kitchen painted. — Нам покрасят кухню.
    Present ContinuousThey are repairing the road. — Они ремонтируют дорогу.They are having the road repaired. — Им ремонтируют дорогу.
    Past ContinuousWe were changing the wheel. — Мы меняли колесо.We were having the wheel changed. — Нам меняли колесо.
    Future ContinuousI will be doing make-up. — Я буду делать макияж.I will be having my make-up done. — Мне будут делать макияж.
    Present PerfectOur neighbours have just built a fence. — Наши соседи только построили забор.Our neighbours have just had the fence built. — Нашим соседям только построили забор.
    Present Perfect ContinuousI have been washing the car for two hours. — Я мою машину последние два часа.I have been having the car washed for two hours. — Мне два часа моют машину.
    Past PerfectHe had stolen the wallet. — Он украл кошелек.He had had his wallet stolen. — У него украли кошелек.
    Past Perfect ContinuousShe had been sewing the dress. — Она шила платье.She had been having the dress sewed. — Ей шили платье.

    В разговорной речи вспомогательный глагол have часто заменяют на get.

    I want to get my purchase delivered. — Я хочу, чтобы мою покупку доставили.
    He got the door installed. — Ему установили дверь.

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